Frequently Asked Questions
What Content is available on Darsel?
Darsel’s 500,000+ curriculum-aligned math questions range from basic numeracy to advanced algebra, and cover topics including probability and statistics, series and sequences, geometry, and others.
Where is Darsel available?
Darsel is available globally through Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.
In select countries, Darsel is also available through SMS. To inquire about SMS use in your country, please reach out to team@darsel.tech.
Is Darsel free to use?
Can teachers use Darsel as a supplementary tool?
Yes. Darsel can be used to assign curriculum-aligned homework.
Teachers who use Darsel can benefit from receiving aggregate and individualized reports about student learning and skill mastery.
Please note that classroom use of Darsel is currently being piloted. Teachers, administrators and education officials who are interested in piloting Darsel are encouraged to contact team@darsel.tech for more information.